Proverbs 30:24,27: “Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise.
Locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks.
In the 1999 NBA semifinals, the San Antonio Spurs knew the wisdom of the locusts. They destroyed the LA Lakers like a plague. The Spurs were out there as a team, swarming around that basketball court until they swept the Lakers in 4 out of 7 games. That is lesson of the locusts—the power of teamwork and unity.
Locusts have no king but all of them go out in ranks. When they are in unity, they can topple kingdoms. They have oneness of mind and spirit. They move like an army with unbroken ranks under the strictest discipline.
Locusts’ movements are amazingly incredible. While in flight, Locusts skillfully move in the direction of the wind. The Bible records, when the Lords anger was on Egypt, “The LORD brought an east wind upon the land and brought the locusts (Exo 10:13).
Thirdly, they heed to sounds and they rise up together. By rubbing their legs and wings against their body, locusts make a humming sound. When they hear this hum, they react immediately and Rise up.
Let us take the lead from locusts. Even king David affirms “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.” The gospels also document Jesus building a team of 12, which later multiplies and divides into many teams for spreading the gospel. That is the power of unity and oneness of spirit.
Secondly, moving in the direction of wind denotes the Holy Spirit’s Guidance. If we are wise like the locust, we will yield ourselves to Spirits direction. Then our life will fulfill His divine purpose. “The wind blows wherever it pleases. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit. (John 3:8).
Thirdly, are we heeding to the voice of God in our lives? (Exodus 15:26) says, “If you diligently heed the voice of God and do what is right in His sight” then He will be our Redeemer. When we learn to tune in to the frequency of God’s voice, then when the trumpet sounds and Jesus comes in glory, we can Rise up like the locust and be with Him forever.
If insects can achieve such remarkable things through unity, moving as the wind leads and heeding to the voices for Rising up, then how much more the children of God could accomplish for His glory. May this become our Lifestyle!