Proverbs 30:24,28: “Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise.
A lizard can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings’ palaces.
Who has a toddler obsessed with Lizards? The little critters are fascinating. The way they wriggle and squirm and climb the walls capture the attention of many kids. The fourth creature mentioned in the list of Wee but Wise are Lizards.
Lizards climb up higher and higher until it reaches the king’s vision. They always aspire for and set their eyes on greater things.
They do not like to stay on a lower level. But has a desire to climb up higher and build their abode in royal palaces. They want to establish their living in the Kings palace.
Like the lizards, let us “Seek those things which are above, and set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Col 3:1,2). Are you desiring the worldly glory or are you aspiring for heavenly glory? Let us all set our eyes on Christ our precious Jewel. Then all the blessings will follow you.
Even when living on earth, we can build our eternal abode in Heaven. “Store your treasures in heaven for wherever your treasure is, there your heart will also be” (Mat 6:20,21). May we use our worldly resources and make friends. Then, when our earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome us in the eternal home. (Luk 16:9).
We are called to have the perspective of a lizard, destined to live in the presence of the King of Heaven. Thus, our Eternalhome ought to be our Creator’s castle. It ought to be the residence of everything that is royal, where we can take hold of those silver sockets of redemption for ourselves.
May God help us to have the exceeding wisdom of these FOUR Wee but Wise Creatures.