God has done some remarkable things through his fuzzy, winged, flappers and funny creations. In this series we’re exploring how God has used animals to make Himself and His purposes known.

  1. RAVENS:

The Lord told Prophet Elijah to go and hide himself from the wicked King Ahab, by Kerith Brook. Then, God commanded the ravens to bring him bread and flesh in the morning and evening; and he drank of the brook. (I Kings 17:4).

A Fact about Ravens is that they are prone to steal food from others. But at the Lord’s command they Sacrificed their own meal, their time to search for their own food and their own nature, to fulfill the Lords’ command.   

By the sacrifice of the Ravens God fulfilled His purpose of saving the prophet, thereby   Elijah was able to point the True God to the Israelites.


Balak, the Moabite King was an enemy of Israel. He sent for Balaam the prophet to curse the Israelites. On his way, Balaam’s donkey refused to move as it saw the angel, whom God sent to block the path.  Balaam bet his donkey as it would not budge. Then, God gave the donkey the power of speech saying, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?” (Numbers 22:28). Finally, Balaam’s eyes were opened to see the angel of the Lord.

A Fact about Donkeys is that they are prone to be foolish. But at the Lord’s command. the donkey sensed the oncoming danger to his master and was determined to protect him. It Sacrificed and patiently bore the pains from his masters blow to fulfill the Lords’ command. By the sacrifice of the donkey God fulfilled His purpose of saving the people of Israel, thereby paving a path for Jesus to be born in their tribe thus bringing salvation to the world at large.

  • WHALE:

Jonah the prophet, refused to obey God to preach the good news to the people of Ninevah. He even ran from Him and what God was calling him to do. “The Lord sent a whale to swallow Jonah, and he was in the belly of the fish, three days and three nights” (Jonah 1:17).  After 3 days, at the Lord’s command, the whale spit Jonah on the shores of Ninevah.

 A Fact about whales   is that they are prone to swallow tons and tons of food on a day. But at the Lord’s command, the whale Sacrificed eating and fasted for 3 days and nights so that Jonah would not be crushed by the fishes’ digestive organs. It bore the irritation in its belly and the breathing difficulty only to fulfill the Lords’ command. By the sacrifice of the Whale God fulfilled His purpose of Jonah’s repentance, the salvation of the Ninivites and fulfilling the scriptures about Jesus Resurrection on the third day.


What is your sacrifice to your Creator to accomplish His plan? Are you ready to sacrifice your time, talent and treasures to redeem souls and to bring Revival to your family, friends and the nation at large.  When God can use animals to make Himself known, how much more can He use you if only you willing surrender to His divine plan of Redemption.

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