Ruth replied to Naomi, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God (Ruth 1:15)

Barbara moved to a new country after she lost her sons in the army. Initially, she was hesitant and scared of the culture and people of the new country. Incidentally, she met her friend Debra, who introduced her to a local church and its community. Eventually all her anxieties vanished. She again found a circle that welcomed  and accepted her.

Ruth is not an Israelite but a Moabite and a foreigner from Moab.  Ruth symbolizes the Gentile church of the present times. Ruth is a picture of how God includes the Gentiles into His plan of salvation. Naomi urged Ruth to leave her, like her sister-in-law Oprah. Yet, Ruth was determined and urged Naomi, not to intreat her to turn back. This is the reason that Ruth was given membership in the covenant people of God. May we also be unyielding to look back at things that pertain to Moab like Ruth to possess the Kingdoms’ blessings.

The passage mentions, Orpha swiftly applied her reverse gears. Nevertheless, Ruth was not after worldly pleasures. (Naomi said “Even if I had a husband tonight and then gave birth to sons,would you wait until they grew up? : Ruth 1:13).  Ruth willingly followed and chose to obey Naomi to marry Boaz, the aged Bride to fulfill Gods’ plan. Similarly, when we follow the Lord, we may not reap worldly benefits and become multi-millionaires. Yet, we will be assured of eternal rewards with our Heavenly Bridegroom Jesus.

Finally, we explore that Ruth’s mission was to raise Judah’s descendants for the baby Jesus to be born that was lost because of Lot. This is figurative to the New Testament church that will re-establish the Israelites connection with Jesus Christ. Thereafter, we see that Ruth’s name is not cited anywhere else in the Bible except in Jesus’ genealogy (Matt : 1) as the passage records Naomi nursed the child. So too, the New Testament church will be taken up in rapture after re-establishing the Israelite church to its Messiah.  And their names will also be written in the Book of Life in Heaven, precisely as Ruth’s name was found in Jesus’ genealogy.   

Considering this, I would like to bring to the fore that the Lord has a plan for each one of us. We might not possess great riches or at times be disregarded like Ruth. Despite everything, let us be determined to accomplish His plans in our life and not to turn back, for our names will be written in the Book of life. This is our phenomenal Eternal Reward!!

Occasionally foreigners are spoken of and well regarded in the Old Testament. They anticipate the work of Christ, fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham (Gen 12.3) blessing all the nations. Rahab the prostitute and her family (Joshua), the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings) and Namaan the Syrian commander are examples that come to mind, centurions servant healed


“The roman soldiers compelled a passerby, Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, who was coming in from the country, to carry His cross.” (Mark 15 :21)

I am often bewildered by the strong response to the gospel song “Were You there when they crucified my Lord? Sometimes, I tremble, tremble, tremble”. After reading Simon’s story, I understand the stirring feeling of being informed of, invited to, and included into this unique privilege and sacrifice.

Simon was an accidental tourist. He was a foreigner from Cyrene, a region in Libya (Acts 2:10) of North Africa. He came to Jerusalem for celebrating the Passover with his two sons. But as he enters Jerusalem, he notices an unexpected scene of suffering instead of celebration. As he was curious, he went near Jesus to have a closer look of Him. Momentarily, the Roman soldiers noticed this passerby and compelled him to carry the cross of Jesus. Simon was compelled to take part in the sacrifice.  What do we learn from Simons’ Sacrifice?

1.Sacrifice comes unexpectedly. Simon didn’t have a choice. But today, we have a choice either to embrace or to run away from the sacrifice. How are we going to respond?

2.Sacrifice brings us closer to Jesus. It brought him into contact with the blood of Jesus when he touched the cross. Nobody can touch the cross and be unchanged. It led the way for a life of renewal.

3. Sacrifice is a life of testimony and legacy. The aftermath of an encounter with Jesus impacted him and his children. Paul mentions about Alexander and Rufus saying “Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord and also his mother, who has been a mother to me as well (Rom16:13). Thus, the family of Simon became carriers of the gospel.  

4. Sacrifice is not isolation. We notice that Jesus walks ahead of Simon. We will never be left to walk alone through the sacrifice. Jesus will always go before us. Finally, it was not Simon but Jesus who took the crucifixion upon him at the finish line. Thus, we receive life by His death.

Simon of Cyrene though a foreigner was pushed into the pages of history because of that one divine experience that ended up himself as a Messianic pilgrim coming into faith. If we embrace our sacrifice willingly then the Lord will give the strength to carry His cross. He will also reward us by welcoming us into His eternal abode saying, “Enter into the joy of His salvation”.  His burdens are not unbearable. We are stronger than we think. We are Big Enough for our Sacrifice!!



Ithai replied to the king, “As surely as the Lord lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be.” (2 Samuel 15:21)

As a child, during summer I remember spending my time at a Christian youth camp. I can never forget the song that focused on deciding to follow Jesus.  The chorus that contained an important phrase: “No turning back” always lingers in my mind.

King David was fleeing from his son Absalom who had taken his kingdom by force. Along with many others who followed David to the wilderness, Ittai the Gittite also followed him.  Ittai was not an Israelite. He was a foreigner who came to Jerusalem only the day before David was fleeing. David proposes Ittai to stay with Absalom. But Ittai takes a stand along with his little ones (vs:21) and resolves to “Stay with the King, whether in life or in death”.

                             At times, we tend to make situational or analytical decisions, that may not be spiritual. Situations will always rise against God’s people. Don’t wait for situations to normalize to follow Jesus the king. Ittai is a representation of the Gentiles which is the People of God. David symbolizes Christ and His Kingdom.                              

Ittai, knew that persecution and death may also engulf him. Nonetheless, he instantly followed David and risked his life when he did not have to. Are we willing to follow Jesus our king, even if it means trials and testing? Moreover, he geared up his children too in following the king. Ofttimes, we tend to position our family in safe zones and then decide to take up the ministry. But Ittais’ decision was firm to follow the king with his family, whatever may befall. Finally, Ittai earned the Kings’ trust and was also rewarded with the position equivalent to the Army Commander Joab, when David entrusted one-third of his army under Ittais’ regiment (2 Sam 18:2).

                             Thus, giving ourselves to God, often comes with a price. Sometimes we may look insignificant. Sometimes we may look like a foreigner and be neglected. However, if we decide to follow Jesus our King and are faithful to Him till the end, though the path is dreary, then the Lord will also entrust us. He will also delegate us a regiment to reign and make our name great in earth and in heaven. Nothing compares with what we gain when we continue with Christ. Earn the Kings’ trust by your decision to Follow Him!!