Proverbs 30:24,25: “Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise:

Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer.

Every parent wants to see their children grow in wisdom and live a God-honoring life. Agur was so wise that the Spirit of God included the musings of Agur in the pages of Proverbs. Have you ever seen people owning a pet ant. Sounds weird! Isn’t it? Yet, in Proverbs, the ants are portrayed as a Role Model.


Ants are feeble creatures that has little strength, yet it stores up food for the winter. Ants know the seasons and times and stores food. They know how to redeem the time better. They use the summer to prepare for the winter that is lying ahead.


Like the ants, we are called to redeem our time, while we live in this earth. Even, Jesus demonstrated this through His life. He redeemed His time on earth by even sacrificing food and sleep. He went about doing good and redeeming souls. Jn 9:4 says: “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” Day time refers to the period of grace. They do not last forever. So let us use our time wisely.


Today our world is also moving towards days of darkness. Isaiah 60:2 points “Darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over His people”. May we redeem our time by memorizing the scriptures. Because there will come a time of famine for the Word of God. Happy are those who, like the ants, take thought for things to come! For they are laying up stores in heaven against the times to come.

Dear children of God – Be like the ants. Think of time to come—and be wise to know the seasons and redeem your time.

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