Have you ever been in a situation where you had visitors paying a surprise visit. Most of us are not ready for such guest. Unless you have a big house, making room for guests, take some work and planning. When Jesus was born there was no room for him in the inn. Has anything changed today? Is there room for Jesus in your life?

Let’s examine the Role model of the Shunamite Women who provided not just a room for Elisha but also furnished the room with furnishing. [II Kings 4::8 -10]. Let’s analyze and follow the lead of the Shunamite women by these steps:

  1. DISCERNING: She discerned that Elisha is a holy man of God. This is the first step in our spiritual walk with God. Today we are surrounded with many confusing voices. But if we call on to the Holy Spirit, then He can give us the discernment to identify God’s will in our lives.  Let’s open our hearts and minds like the Shunamite women to discern the right direction.
  2. PREPARING BY FURNISHING: The women furnished the room with a chair, table, lamp and a bed for Elijah. [II Kings 4:10].
  3. Room – Place for God

The Shunamite women said to her husband, “Let’s make a small room on the roof”. Elisha passed once and she wanted it to continue. Therefore, she prepared a room. Today, the Lord wants to pass by us. Let’s reach out and touch him, when He is near. Let’s remodel our lives by using our time, talent and treasures to receive and maintain Him.  Then the Lords dwelling an ongoing process. Have you given him a Room in your heart?

  • Chair – Throne for God

A chair is used for supporting. This symbolizes our dependence on God. Whom do we depend on for our family life, work life, personal and spiritual life. Chair also symbolizes Authority. Let’s ponder who’s sitting on our throne of life. Is it Sin and Self or Jesus Christ? The one whom we serve and yield is the one who’ll sit in our hearts throne.

  • Table – Fellowship with God

The table represents a source or supply of food. Today, the word of God is our supply of spiritual food. It also denotes Fellowship. Having a continuous fellowship with the Lord will bring divine visitations from the Lord. Can we affirm like David – Thou preparest a table before me and my cup runs over. If the master of the universe is dining at our hearts table, then our cup will run over. There will be no lack but only abounding blessings.

  • Lamp –Presence of God

The purpose of the light is to dispel darkness. The presence of God will dispel all darkness in our lives. In his presence we find guidance and direction just as the Israelites found their way in the wilderness. Lamp also helps to find the lost, like the women who found the lost coin. If we have lost our communion with Him, let’s run to Jesuswho is our lamp and light.  Do you desire His presence? 

  • Bed – Rest with God

When we sleep at night all the cares of this world vanish. It’s because we are resting. God wants us to enter into that state of rest. Jesus lived in that rest. If we cast all our cares upon Him, we’ll find that rest in Jesus Christ alone.

In reflection, let’s place the Lord Jesus Christ First in our lives by preparing a Room for him. Give him a throne or a Chair and your authority to him. Have constant fellowship at your hearts Table. Experience the Light of his presence. Then you will find the desired Rest in his bed.

The Shunamite women prepared a room and furnished it for her own miracle. Therefore, she received:

Multiplication which came back in the form of a son.  

A Miracle which came back in the form of her son being raised from death.

And Restoration When her lands were restored after seven years of famine because she proclaimed the miracle. When she proclaimed the miracle, the blessings came back sevenfold.

Let’s give Room for Jesus in our lives to experience Miracle, Multiplication and Restoration.